Be Coached Personally by a CI Master Coach

In a coaching program just for you!

Self-Evolution Coaching​

When we love and accept who we are, we open up to loving the world and everyone in it.
This coaching system will help you build inner resources and empower every part of your life.
Magali will create a personalized system of growth for your needs and life. You will learn self-healing with Energy Coaching Sessions, overcome resistance and procrastination, empower your intuition, improve key relationships, and become your own best friend.

Activation™ Coaching is a safe and compassionate space that fosters deep acceptance and healing.

Wherever you are at and wherever you are going, coaching can help you make it a joyful and creative journey.

Creativity, Self-Understanding, and Growth

Through coaching you will uncover your inner truth. You will awaken the part of you that is ready to evolve. By activating  your energy and drive, expanding love and communication, improving focus and presence, you can create the life you want. Your authentic experience and needs will lead the way. You will learn skills and strategies that increase your zest for life and allow inner healing. This can mean taking actions that you could not find the energy for before. This might mean healing the hurt parts of self. And it can mean understanding how to create healthy boundaries, emotional wellness, and activating new habits.

Discover Your Core Values and Emotions That Heal

Working with a Coaching Institute Life Coach, you will integrate your inner wisdom, awaken your truth, and find a sense of flow and inner commitment. The program goes at the pace that is right for you and your life. Every part of you is welcome here.

Bonus Healing Programs are Included with Your Coaching Session Package

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Get Program Information

-Receive free access for 72 hours to Level 1 Training
-Learn three Activation™ Method coaching strategies
-Get Five Healing Meditations right away

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