Right now people need connection, support, and hope in their lives more than ever. When we create a space for inner growth we make the world a much better place.
Every coach I know can benefit from leading groups. Why? Because when we lead we grow ourselves. We find the brilliance in each person and help them become empowered and connected.
I would like to share with you how group coaching works and what makes it possible to step into your own leadership role.
You get to see firsthand the transformation of a group of total strangers into a true community, generating connection and support which creates friendships that last forever.
And none of this can take place without a skillful group leader, who serves as a facilitator and bridge, activating the group’s own energy for every person’s evolution.
The Group Coach is helping each participant to connect with their own highest good, the good they generate for each other, and the larger community they have in their lives.
Have you ever had that experience… where you look around at the people you’re with and think, “I wish this moment could last forever?”
That’s what people experience in great Group Coaching.
It’s the reason why they come back, again and again.
And it’s one of the reasons why Group Coach Leaders love their work so much.
Group Coaching sometimes can be confused with other forms of group work, such as motivational and public speaking and teaching.
So let’s get clear about the differences between Group Coaching and speaking, for instance.
Group Coaching is actually much easier than speaking. Here’s why.
In speaking, the speaker is expected to entertain the audience – to be charming, informative, and entertaining every minute that they are onstage. This is because the audience is in a passive position. They come in, sit down, and wait to be entertained.
Group Coaching is completely different. We don’t have an audience. We have participants. Participants aren’t passive. They’re active. They come to Group Coaching because they want to participate – to do exercises, share, discuss, and learn.
This makes your job much easier. It means that, in any given Group Coaching session, the Group Coach doesn’t have to talk for more than 5-10 minutes at a time. This is because the group is learning and sharing together!
This can happen when you have great processes and exercises that are designed to create this energy and momentum in your group.
Let’s talk about what it looks like when a Group Coaching Group assembles. The Group Coach takes a few minutes to greet everybody, then introduces the first Group Coaching exercise. The exercise is where the real discoveries happen. For instance, the Group Coach may talk about an exercise and how it is designed, and even how it has affected them in their life, then they pair up people to do the exercise together.
The partners get to know each other very quickly! When the exercise is over (10 minutes) the group reconvenes. Individual participants raise their hands and share what they discovered and experienced during the exercise, speaking to the whole group.
The Group Coach doesn’t have to “know the answers.” It’s not about being right or wrong. Instead, you hold the space for the participants to share. This sets an example of elevation, encouragement, validation, and respect – and sets up the culture of this community you’re creating.
The participants see that their sharing is welcome. And we experience Group Learning and support. Each person trusts their own discoveries and inner wisdom.
Because the Group Coach is ready to encourage and honor the truth in each participant, participants develop trust for the leader, and through that, they develop trust for the group. They recognize that this is a place where their individual perspective will be respected and appreciated.
As the session proceeds, a network of relationships form within the group. This means a real community is created.
Within this community of relationships, participants relax, knowing they can help and be helped. This in itself is healing.
Of course, once you lead a group through the first session, the following sessions are easier and easier. Growth becomes accelerated.
Do you see how different this is from being a Speaker trying to entertain an audience?
Do you see how little “public speaking” the Group Coach has to do?
Most importantly, the Group Coach has a Group Coaching Session Plan which guides the entire session.
The Session Plan is your outline for your session. It tells you when to teach, when to assign an exercise (you get a little break), and how and when to lead the discussion.
The Coach Leader can relax, observe, and hold the space for the group while the Session Plan does the “heavy lifting.”
And this only gets easier and easier as your Group continues to meet, week after week. Many Groups go on meeting like this regularly for years.
One thing these Group Coaches love about their work is they get to find their flow state and feel their own energy and purpose. It’s a focus on service.
Once you form an effective group, participants look forward to the connection with other Group Members. They put it in their schedule to go to group coaching every week.
Group Coaches bring people together, creating a community that increases the strengths of each individual. Each person who experiences positive change within Group Coaching naturally brings positive change to their own relationships away from the group.
Imagine, for instance, that one group participant is a mom of a twenty-five year old. She happens to partner with a participant who’s in her twenties. By working together, this mom gains insight about her partner’s life stages. Then she feels much more compassion and understanding for her own twenty-five year old daughter.
The positive impact on people is tremendous. If you enjoy bringing people together and creating an atmosphere of support and learning, Group Coaching is a perfect fit for your natural strengths.
I believe so strongly in the power of Group Coaching to create positive change in the world. I’m very excited to help you with it.
This is why I set out to train group coaches in a different way.
You see, over the past 10 years I’ve conducted over 1,000 Group Sessions with over 100,000 people live. During that time I’ve developed a wide range of Group Coaching Strategies, Session Plans, Meditations, and Courses. Topics range widely, including Relationship, Productivity, Emotional Wellness, Creativity, Spirituality, and Energy.
I’ve learned so much during that time. I’m very passionate about passing what I’ve learned to my students, giving them every advantage they could possibly have.
That’s why I’m going to do what no other training program will do:
For instance, if I found a strategy that increased the participants’ resources and energy levels, I would focus on making it perfect. On the other hand, if I found that a strategy lowered my participants’ moods, I would notice and improve it by adding an exercise or questions that would support the participant’s energy and imagination. And if I found a Group Coaching strategy that backfired (many group strategies simply don’t work), I’d cross it out.
It’s been a labor of love. There’s no short cut to developing effective Group Coaching Session Plans. You have to try each one out with a real group to see how it works, and then make it better. That’s why it can take years to get it right.
So it gives you a tremendous advantage to be able to start your career as a Group Coach with complete Courses which are proven to create a thriving, energizing experience for your participants.
As a Group Coach Leader, you have the opportunity to offer four different unique Group Coaching Courses to your own groups. Each revolves around a different theme that is essential for a happy life: Self Evolution, Energy & Spirituality, Emotional Wellness, and Relationship & Communication.
These courses will connect with any group – whether you’re coaching a room full of business owners, or alternative healers, or homeschooling parents. Everybody wants improvement in these areas of their life.
These Group Coaching Courses give you something incredibly valuable to offer your own clients and participants.
The Self-Evolution Course is about understanding and empowering our purpose in life. This method is based on growth and healing for each individual in a group.
Participants discover their most authentic self. The session processes are designed to bring skills, insight, and healing on a personal level. The results are greater self-love, empowered actions, purpose, and alignment with one’s strengths.
The package contains eight unique group coaching session plans. You learn through experiencing the group session. Practicing guiding the group session. And from your colleagues and mentors experience in group with you.
Self-Evolution Course
Session 1: Modes of Being
Session 2: Personal Strengths
Session 3: Timing
Session 4: Rules
Session 5: Values & Parts of Life
Session 6: The Five Elements
Session 7: Decision Making
Session 8: Key People
Session 9: Self-Love & Acceptance
In the Energy & Spiritual Course you learn to lead participants through meditations, guided journeys and exercises. Each session is designed to deepen the group’s inner wisdom and awareness.
By working with Archetypes, Intuition, and Spiritual Energy, participants find deep resources from their creative mind. This results in less procrastination, less anxiety, and honoring one’s individual truth. A group coach does not position themselves as a “spiritual teacher,” instead they help the participants experience their own inner teacher.
Energy & Spirituality Course
Session 1: Magician Archetype
Session 2: Expansion & Contraction
Session 3: Awakening Love’s Inner Wisdom
Session 4: Healthy Boundaries
Session 5: Full Archetype Process
Session 6: Life Contract Journey
Session 7: Higher Self Healing with Guide
Session 8: Healing with Elements and Gaia
Session 9: Equanimity Life Practice
All of us have emotions, but some of us have made good friends with our emotions. In the Emotional Wellness Course we help our participants create clarity, validation, and acceptance of all emotions. Participants learn to be their own best friend. Through the exercises you will guide your groups as each participant deepens their ability to find balance, inner harmony, and self-acceptance. This reduces anxiety, fear and anger. Participants find it easier to communicate their emotions, flow with life, and understand other people.
Emotional Wellness Course
Session 1: Empowering Emotions
Session 2: Healing Our Anxiety
Session 3: Four P’s Process
Session 4: Deepening the Healthy Side of Certainty and Uncertainty
Session 5: Emotional Goal Setting
Session 6: Creating Equanimity
Session 7: Love & Wishing Practice
Session 8: Regaining Our Lost Power
Every relationship is a wonderful teacher on our life path. In the Relationship & Communication Course you will learn to guide participants to discover their relationship patterns, needs, strengths, and skills. Every session is built around personal discovery, inner resourcing and using the skills in real relationships. Through working within, the group processes help us to create more love and connection in our life. Any kind of relationship can be improved. This might look like the courage to date again, the opening up to a loved one, or the building of new friendships.
Every relationship is a wonderful teacher on our life path. In the Relationship & Communication Course you will learn to guide participants to discover their relationship patterns, needs, strengths, and skills. Every session is built around personal discovery, inner resourcing and using the skills in real relationships. Through working within, the group processes help us to create more love and connection in our life. Any kind of relationship can be improved. This might look like the courage to date again, the opening up to a loved one, or the building of new friendships.
Relationships & Communication Course
Session 1: Action Taking Skills
Session 2: Rules and Relationships
Session 3: Animal Communication Styles
Session 4: Heart Requests
Session 5: Overcoming Procrastination
Session 6: Offer and Block Communications
Session 7: Self Love and Acceptance
Session 8: Healthy Boundaries
When you’ve been fully trained to offer one of these courses to a wonderful group of people. You can relax, focus on your participants’ needs, and enjoy your own incredible growth.
Each Group Coach Specialty Course comes with it’s own certification. Each one can take as little as four weeks to complete. You’re only four weeks away from being able to offer your first course.
Here’s a review of what you get:
Wherever you are now, these modules take you through everything you need to become a successful Group Coach Leader. I’ll teach you how to work with Live Groups, how to lead Online Groups, and how to offer Individual Coaching.
Everything I teach is given in a Group Coaching format so that you are learning by example every minute. I will help you to find your own inner resources as a Group Coach. You will be able to activate your inner power and leadership so that it becomes fun and easy to lead. These modules are recorded and ready for you in your student portal.
I want you to know that when you are full of your own leadership strengths, then every group you lead gives you joy, connection, and fulfillment.
Every Monday from 1-2pm PST we get together to practice, heal, and support each other spiritually. This Meditation group combines Energy Coaching Skills with Meditation practices. There is a half hour practice followed by either Q&A or small group discussions. As a CI Student you will be able to use all the skills you learn in Meditation Group with clients and groups you lead.
We get on a group zoom meeting every week to learn, support, and answer coaching questions. Whether you have a new project coming up or a client you’re trying to help, or anything is coming up for you personally, this is how you get regular weekly access to expert support. This group is an add on to your training. Group meets on Tuesdays at either 10am-12pm PST or 1pm-3pm PST. Practice Lab is part of the two hour class.
In Practice Lab, you receive hands-on training in one-on-one coaching skills. Every time you come to Practice Lab, you actually learn a new coaching skill. You get to have the valuable experience of being coached and doing coaching. Practice Lab is offered on Tuesdays as part of Mentorship Group Coaching.
Once you have experience leading groups, you may want to start creating your own customized Group Coaching Content. Perhaps there is a topic that you’d like to teach using these strategies, the way I teach Meditation. Perhaps you’d like to create a program that is customized for a specific audience. You’ll have access to my entire method for creating new, highly successful Group Coaching Sessions and Courses. This is there for you in your online Self-Evolution course classroom. You can start designing your own group content right away.
This creative system for guiding meditation, energy and relaxation classes is a resource for all your coaching work. Whether you guide your own Meditation Groups or you work with individual clients helping them become more mindful, centered, and creative, the meditations that Magali Peysha guides are helpful to create a deeper sense of self love, focus and spiritual expansion. You will find that each meditation honors the individual’s inner resources and uses universal language to help connect us with our own deeper truth.
I will support you in learning how to guide meditation classes for individuals and groups. You will master the following core meditation guidance skills: nervous system regulation techniques, awareness practices, heart centered and opening guidance, healing the inner critic, connection with guides, angels and higher self, nature and elements as healing modalities, transformation in active meditation, relaxation techniques, power and soul retrieval. You will know how to support meditators through an awakening processes. And you will have the resources you need to help those with focus, anxiety, insomnia, and loss of healthy power.
This is the most complete way to form a successful Group Coaching career. It includes all of the core trainings, life training access, and business building. You also get licensed to offer 38 Activation™ Method Group coaching sessions to your groups. You will also receive a very special bonus called 21 Journeys Teacher Training. This is only available when joining as a one-pay Gold Member.
You also get:
We know that sometimes a tuition payment plan makes all the difference to getting started, so we have created the Silver Level Package. This package has everything in Gold except the 21 Journeys Teacher Training. And to make it really easy to start tuition is only $199 per month. This option is available when you click the button below.
We’re so excited about the potential Group Coaching has for you – and we are committed to your success. Are you considering becoming a Group Coach right now? Let us know. Our team is standing by to communicate with you personally.
Just email us at support@coachinginstitute.com
You have no risk. When you join, you’ll have access to the entire program. If you don’t find it’s the most effective way for you to enjoy a career as a Group Coach, let us know within 30 days, and you’ll receive a complete refund.