Energy Coaching is for Everyone

Energy is both Universal and Personal

My Journey Began...

I was sixteen years old. Sitting in the National Cathedral Chapel, I felt antsy and bored. The lecture I which I had agreed to attend was by His Holines the Dalai Lama, the leader of Tibet. The year was 1986, and like most Americans at the time, I knew little about Tibet, other than that it was cold. I was restless. We were in the front row. There was no chance of leaving the talk early.

But when the small smiling man came onstage, there was something in his energy, a peace and presence, that I’d never experienced before. I wasn’t able to focus on his words, but I felt the energy of his presence. I had never before experienced that sort of presence. It was like a very deep calm. I knew instantly that I wanted to know this presence inside myself.

After the talk, I approached a woman with a shaved head and maroon robes. I asked “Where can I learn more about this?” This was for me the starting point of a lifelong journey into energy, spirituality, and presence.

Transformation Happens When Your Energy Shifts

The past few years have seen a big cultural leap in evolution. People are experiencing their lives differently. More and more they are asking about their purpose, their inner well-being, what their meaning is on this planet. Many want to know how to be a force for good in the world. This has become even more relevant with the pandemic causing a big shift in everyone’s priorities.

The assumption used to be that happiness came from material abundance, or only your brain chemistry. A kind of genetic lottery.

Many people have ruined their health, their relationships, and their spirit with overwork and lack of balance. It’s easy to think “if I can get more I will fill this empty hole inside.”

Now things are different. It’s clear that material success is nice, but it isn’t everything. People want balance and meaning in their life. They want spiritual growth. The wellness industry has become one of the largest industries in the world. Many people’s idea of productivity now includes things like being ethical, being aware, and being awake to the world. Workplaces everywhere are offering Mindfulness and Yoga classes. People realize that life isn’t just about what you can have, it’s about how we experience living.

This means that when people want to create more meaningful lives, they want their journey to be a soul evolution. More people are feeling that inner transformation happens at the spirit level, not only the physical or mental level.

When we look back on life, we want to see growth, depth, and a feeling that our life choices mattered. When real spiritual evolution happens, it feels like a natural sequence. It feels like the word YES is reverberating throughout our body.

At the heart of this lived realization is that our most inspired actions, our most embodied experiences occur when our Energy is aligned with our Truth. When this happens, wise and kind action feels natural.

How Energy Works

Energy happens at different levels of our being. There is the energy that gets us to walk, talk and take care of our physical needs. And then there is our more subtle level of energy, from which our sense of self-worth, inner power, radiance, and love flows. At every level, energy is at work in all of us. Here are a few examples:

At the more ordinary level, we prepare ourselves for our life tasks and roles by using our energy. Right before a race, a runner not only stretches, but they find the energy they need to run, compete, and enter their athletic zone. They do this on an energetic level as well as through mindset and emotions.

When you’re about to spend time with someone you love, you prepare yourself energetically for that connection. You may become more open to receive and to give. 

When you go to a rock concert, or when you hear a church choir singing in unison, the frequencies that you experience create a frequency within you. It’s emotion, thought, physical sensations, mixed together.

This is the experience of energy.

Of course, some situations bring the opposite. When someone treats you badly, for instance, it can feel like you’ve been hit by a truck. The impact of their words has diminished your energy.

All of us are experiencing our Energy Systems all of the time.

Not everyone knows that they can work with their Energy System to empower, restore, and create deep connections at the heart level.

Energy is Your Greatest Resource

Your Energy System is an invisible matrix from which your emotions, your healthy power, and your actions emerge.
In modern culture, we’re often taught to ignore the energetic level of being. We are told that energy doesn’t matter, or doesn’t exist. We’re supposed to “think” our way into a new experience.
However, when you become aware of and connected to your spiritual energy, the life flow inside each of us. This energy can become our greatest resource, our source of healthy love, power, and intuition.

Consider this: so many people know exactly what they need to do in their life. They have clear intentions. They have the capacity and knowledge. They have values and guiding principles.

And yet something is blocking them. And, try as they might, they can’t make the progress that they want.

I experience this in coaching all the time with my clients.

An example is my client, Tom.

Tom wants to find a life partner. He struggles with understanding his emotions and being able to speak about them. This is what created big problems in his last relationship. He’s had the intention to start dating for over a year, but he feels like a failure in the area of love. So nothing happens.

One day, while in a coaching session, I help Tom to bring healing to his energetic heart. He feels his heart opening in waves of inner kindness and caring. At the end of his session, he creates his own energetic heart opening practice to do at home. He feels a new sense of emotion and connection.

One week later, Tom shares with me that he has called a woman from work he likes. They spoke for over an hour. He feels refreshed and full of courage to know himself at a new level. This is mirrored back to him by his outer world and the new friendship he has begun.

In coaching it’s often taught that lasting change comes from having a new thought, or making a new decision. I would say that’s not the whole story.

Below that new thought or decision, there is an energetic shift that goes deeper. When a person’s energy aligns with their truth, it makes action-taking easy.

One day, something seems impossible. The next day, it feels like it’s already happening.

That’s what it feels like when you have an energy shift. Not only do your thoughts change, but your enthusiasm and motivation come on board with your empowered energy. 

Magali Peysha

Over the last 18 years I have personally trained over 15,000 Life Coaches at the certification level – that’s about 20% of the world’s certified coaches. Every month I lead meditation and energy exercises with thousands of participants.
I’m the author of the #1 best-selling book The Strategic Intervention Handbook, the bestselling relationship book Love Happier, and the upcoming Activation™ Method Workbook. My community trainings have helped 1.5 million people to create greater meaning in their life.
Though I’m known primarily as a coach and teacher, it wasn’t always the case. Before I started coaching eighteen years ago, I was a Yoga Teacher and Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist. I helped my clients to feel better emotionally, physically and spiritually. I’d use the techniques of Ayurveda to help clients learn what would bring them greater balance.
What I found, again and again, was that my Ayurvedic clients may have started out wanting to work with a health problem, but the coaching became about their emotions and their energy.

Later when I became a Life Coach, it became clear to me that both Ayurvedic counseling and Life Coaching were helpful on their own. However, when they were combined, they became even more powerful. I loved the clarity that Life Coaching brought, its ability to help clients create clear goals, plan small actions, and to use strategies that helped them find their creativity and purpose.

And the framework of Ayurveda gave me tools for teaching clients through ancient wisdom teachings on the elements and the energy channels. 

How Energy Changed My Life

Around seven years ago I started to take my personal meditation practice to a new level. It began while I was watching a Youtube video. I heard a meditation teacher tell someone that, if they were experiencing a lot of energy, they should just let themselves be with that energy. The permission I felt in that moment created a huge change.

You see, I had been struggling with energy experiences for years

It felt that nobody understood me when I tried to explain it. Whenever I meditated there was a swirling sensation, sometimes around me or sometimes within me. At times it felt like I was floating. But when I’d ask a spiritual teacher what I should I do with this energy, I was told to ignore it. This left me feeling that my meditation experience was wrong.

When I gave myself permission to just be with my own energy, my energy naturally settled and became more conscious and centered. Sometimes it would feel that the energy was teaching me, healing me from within. I started to fall in love with my meditation practice and with my own spirit. I found it easier and easier to sit in silence, to meditate when walking, when working, and even when thinking.

One day, while meditating in silence, a new level of energy woke up inside my body. This energy was again swirling, but it worked its way through each of my energy centers. It transformed my experience of life. For about a year I existed in both my ordinary life as a mom of five, a wife, and coach, while simultaneously experiencing the incredible universal energy. I had the sense of love flowing in a steady stream, the world felt magical, and a cascade of blessings like a gentle rain of sparkles would descend downward into my system when I meditated.

Until this point I hadn’t believed in traditional religions, or in God. Everything changed then. All religions and faiths made sense. I was this energy, and I also knew this energy was not personal. We all have it. And I could feel the beauty and open loving awareness in every person I was with. It didn’t matter if I knew them or not. I often had deep meaningful conversations with total strangers.

Energy was transforming my experience of life, but I didn’t know how to integrate it with my career in coaching. I didn’t know how to talk about it clearly, and so I didn’t share very much with my students or clients. I didn’t want to freak them out! I kept a thin wall between these two parts of my life. 

I would notice how my energy moved when working or relaxing, but I didn’t consciously share the experience. Instead I waited for greater clarity.

How Activation™ Method Energy Coaching System was Born

I was sitting in Hanalei Bay on the island of Kauai, on vacation with my family. It’s the most magical place I know. While sitting under a tree overlooking the bay, I was wondering how to create a group class that coaches could give in their community.

I wanted this class to help participants find inner growth, relaxation, and vitality. I had been studying Shamanic journey practices and Energy Healing with my teacher in Portland, Oregon.

I knew that there could be great healing and flow found in just a ten-minute meditation journey. So I stopped trying to figure out the best way to create a class. Instead, I stood up and let my body, energy, and spirit receive a teaching, which I named 21 Journeys®. I guess I already had the knowledge within! The energy part of myself put the information I wanted to teach into 21 three-minute guided journeys

I must have looked pretty goofy under that tree doing movement, breathing, and energy exercises. But in the years since I've been able to teach hundreds of students how to lead their own 21 Journeys® classes.

Today, 21 Journeys® is a one-hour energy, movement, awareness, meditative and creative experiential class. It is a system I created from my years teaching Yoga, practicing Shamanic journeys, meditation, and Ayurveda.

Each “journey” is a three-minute awareness meditation with movement that brings about an energetic expansion and connection in the participant. It looks like a meditation and gentle movement class, but the internal experience is profound. I started teaching 21 Journeys to students at our Coaching Boot Camps, and the results were incredible.

People were healing their own grief. Students from every faith were feeling more connected to presence and their own beliefs. People were connecting with ancestors and guides that helped them feel their inner truth and higher self. The energy and emotional openings people experienced in 21 Journeys® would continue for weeks afterwards. It was powerful!

I see now that the 21 Journeys were the beginning of my Energy Coaching system. Strategies like this would enable my clients and students to connect with their own energetic experience and their true self. It was very different from Life Coaching, and yet it was a perfect match.

I continued to develop Energy Coaching exercises and strategies that help my Life Coaching clients experience their own energy, healthy power, clear focus, presence, good boundaries, and boundless creativity. I have developed guided meditations, experiential exercises, somatic strategies, and I’ve been watching and learning how clients and students respond.

I’ve built these into the Activation™ Method Energy Coaching System, and my students now use these strategies as Energy Coaches.

Release Your Resistance, Experience Your Healthy Power

In Life Coaching there can sometimes be a point of frustration for both the coach and the client. This happens when the client feels blocked in some way.

They might know intellectually what they want. They might even have a list of steps they want to take.  However, they just can’t seem to do anything. And their emotions and thoughts keep following the same path, week after week.

Often what’s happening is a subtle energetic resistance or blockage. This inner resistance might have been showing up again and again for them. It’s as though what is stuck is saying, “notice me, help me!” The client sees it, they hear it, but they can’t heal it. This is where we need Energy Coaching Tools.

The internal block or resistance can also be described as low self esteem, loss of power, or a sense unworthiness. This is where Energy Coaching can help the client to become energetically empowered. Through a new experience of healthy power and clarity, the client can take care of themselves. This may show up as taking action, listening to their real truth, and knowing their emotions are valid.

Energy Coaching helps our clients to enhance their senses, their intuition, and their ability for deep levels of transformation. Some clients will benefit from new and clear boundaries. Some will find bridges between parts of themselves, or healing gifts they receive from their higher self.

Picture someone who has a big goal for their life, but every time they approach it, they feel their energy draining out of them. They don’t feel the momentum they need to take action. And so they’re always at square one. They may convince themselves they can’t do something. Yet, they seek help because there is a very small voice within saying “you can do it.”

In Energy Coaching we hear and appreciate that small voice. The client learns to empower the most universal, loving and healing aspect of their being. Energy Coaching strategies and exercises work to create that inner wisdom and growth.

Sometimes there’s an energy challenge in a relationship. Perhaps the relationship is not very healthy. Sometimes there is bullying and narcissistic manipulation, for instance. In Energy Coaching a client can discover how to work skillfully with the effects of these relationships within their own system. Sometimes the client has internalized that bully. In this case, the work focuses on their own healing and strengthening.

Energy is there to offer support and transformation. As an Energy Coach, you assist your client in realizing their healthy boundaries and adding the energy resources they need to honor their truth and well-being. With this new experience of self comes a lot of creativity and enthusiasm for life.

Energy Coaching goes to the deepest level of a person’s wishes while healing their obstacles and resistance. When we’re working with our Energy Coaching clients, we’re helping them tap into a subtle system within their body, spiritual being, and their essential nature that can truly empower and heal them.


Energy Coaching Modalities

Connecting Clients With Their Own Powerful Energy

When someone is feeling blocked, stuck, used, conflicted, burned out, or exhausted, they experience this energetically as well as mentally and physically.

On a practical level, not having enough energetic strength and flow can stop us from doing what we need to do to take care of ourselves. When we push ourselves for results, day in and day out, our system gives us signs that it needs to recharge.

Energy Coaching helps people to heal the obstacles and resistance that are preventing their concentration, joy, and zest for life. When we’re working with our Energy Coaching clients, we’re helping them tap into a subtle system within their body, their spiritual being, and the emotions that can truly empower and heal them.

Energy is right here for all of us, all of the time. It’s a resource in your physical body. It’s experienced in your emotions. When we become aware of the energy within ourselves, we’re going to our deepest level of being. We are awakening our own inner guidance.

This means we have more intuition and clarity. We’re more aware of what we’re feeling, what we’re saying, what we’re doing. So we’re able to create a lasting transformation. 

My client Melissa came to coaching with the goal of completing her PhD dissertation. She was on a deadline, yet stuck and not making progress.

She found that, while she knew what she needed to do, she’d feel an inner resistance to taking the steps towards her work. Over a few sessions we explored Melissa’s inner resources, such as her values and her energy helpers.

We also learned what music and colors were nurturing and supportive to her focus. Melissa could experience the sense of sound and color, and it felt energetically aligning and empowering. 

While coaching, we did an exercise where Melissa asked a key question to her guides. These guides are like parts of her most empowered and true self. When she asked her guides, they gave her the answers and the energetic support she’d need to take action in her work. She was given a practice to do each day that would create the inner space for focus and alignment towards her goal of completing her dissertation. 

During the coaching, Melissa also discovered what had been blocking her. She was having a conflict that came from her inner rebel and rule-breaker. The rebel needed to be seen and heard, and given freedom to mature.

As her coach, I followed a process that I train Energy Coaches to use. My coaching involved guiding the exercises and holding the space of connection with my own energetic clarity and truth. 

With this support, Melissa was able to go from being blocked to finding flow and contentment in her work on her dissertation.


Energy Coaching Is Helpful When...

* You have an ambitious, meaningful goal, but when you approach it, something happens that feels like you are not on your own side. You self-sabotage your own healthy ambition.

* You overwork and get irritated at others. You may feel burned out. You’d like to find some balance and stability within yourself. 

* The things that used to give you joy and inspiration don’t seem to work anymore. You want to discover your spark again. 

* You feel oversensitive. When you are with others, it can feel as though you feel what they feel. You want to stay sensitive but also have good boundaries. 

* You’d like to connect at a deep level in a relationship, but feel a hesitancy which stops you. You want to know how to feel and share feelings in relationships.

* There are healthy habits you want to have in your life, but you lack the consistency to take action.

* What others see in you is not what you feel about yourself. This sense of not being aligned can sometimes feel like low self-esteem or a values conflict. 

* You’ve been in relationships where you suspect the other person had narcissistic tendencies. And you do not want to repeat these patterns again. 

These are just some of the situations where an Energy Coach can help.

An Energy Coach shows their clients how to recharge and recalibrate themselves by connecting to their own energy. The client’s real teacher is their own energy. The coach shares the method through strategies and exercises that bring out the client’s own healthy spiritual energy and wisdom. This can feel like intuition showing up fully, or like a good friend always at your side letting you know “you got this.” This kind of coaching is empowering and easy to do. The client is setting the pace and finding their own healthy energy. The client learns how to expand, ground, explore, heal, and integrate their energy.

Energy Coaching is Different but Complementary to Energy Healing Traditions

In our method of Energy Coaching we train coaches to lead clients through an Energy Coaching process that gives the client a skillset for healing and empowering themselves. 

Because of its focus on self-healing, Energy Coaching is considered to be a part of the Complementary and Alternative Healing Industry, which includes practices such as Ayurvedic Counseling, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Emotional Yoga, Shamanic Counseling, Craniosacral Work, Massage Therapy, and Reiki.

As people are increasingly interested in their own ability to improve their health, this is one of the world’s fastest-growing areas of health and wellness. In 2020 the global Complementary and Alternative Healing Market was valued at $82 Billion. It’s now expected to quadruple by 2028.

Many of the same people who are interested in Complementary and Alternative Healing will be signing up for Energy Coaching. Within this arena, Energy Coaching plays a unique role, distinct from other forms of healing. In most healing modalities, the practitioner works with the client in a hands-on way. 

In contrast, the Energy Coach teaches and guides the client verbally, empowering them to develop their own relationship with healing energy. In other words, it’s the client, not the coach, who provides the energy connection for healing.

An Energy Coach typically offers a client a series of coaching sessions over the course of several months, during which the client becomes more familiar and more skilled with their Energy System. 

Energy Coaching has a distinct advantage in that can be offered remotely. You can have an Energy Coaching practice where you work with clients all over the world from wherever you live. Energy Coaching can also be offered alongside other forms of healing. Many of our clients are simultaneously receiving other therapies from other practitioners.

This works well, because Energy Coaching enhances the client’s ability to heal. This also works well for practitioners who want to move their practice towards being client-led, with less focus on hands-on healing work. 

You Don't Need Special Powers

Sometimes people think that in order to help people an Energy Coach has to have some kind of special energetic powers. That’s not the case. The energy wisdom and strength comes from within the client. It is important to know that, as an Energy Coach, you are also very human. 

Energy Coaches are evolving and practicing to deepen themselves while they are working with clients. We are never done with our own personal evolution. Part of each of our development is recognizing that we are energetically large enough to be both our human self and our larger spiritual self. 

Energy Coaches are never better or different from the clients they serve. This helps us not develop big spiritual egos that will get in the way embodying inner truth and being of service.

Energy Coaching Values are built around Emotional and Spiritual Balance within all parts of life. Empowering personal agency and resilience in every person.  Transformational Learning that creates inner guidance. Community Growth and support so that we learn in a warm and encouraging circle of friendship.

When we grow as Energy Coaches in a caring community, we keep ourselves real. When we work with clients and witness each client’s incredible energy, gifts, and truth we grow within ourselves. 

No matter what teachings and experiences life has given us. We can all open to our beautiful love, light and spirit. And we can do this while still healing our own suffering and pain. Through kind and loving inner motivation we learn to honor our own path as people who are here to serve others growth as well as take care of ourselves.

Your Next Step

I believe so strongly in the power of Energy Coaching to create positive change in the world.

The journey to becoming an Energy Coach is one of the most inspiring experiences you can have. Connecting with your own  healing energy, and then developing your skills to empower your clients – it’s very fulfilling.

So I’ve set out to create the world’s most comprehensive Energy Coaching Certification Training. Everything you need is included.

You’ll get my complete Energy Coaching Process, which I’ve developed over the past 10 years with thousands of students and clients.

You’ll get a live and online training experience that will awaken and enliven your mind, body, and spirit. This includes four immersive days we’ll spend together live online in a perfect training environment.

You’ll get an incredible community who will become your close friends and colleagues, all of us aligned in our dedication to the benefits of energy and the ability to grow together and help our clients.

You’ll get the support of Coaching Institute training staff, including over 100 hours of live training and practice time. The live training is designed to fit into as many time zones as possible, with all teachings recorded for you.

You’ll get a complete Coach Marketing system that includes everything you need to build your Energy Coaching professional practice. We even give you an Energy Coach Website that you can use for your own business.

And, if you’d like to be able to offer Energy Coaching to groups, I’ll even give you my complete system for offering 21 Journeys® Classes, and my complete system for offering your own Energy Retreats. Again, the complete system is included. This is an incredible way to expand your reach as an Energy Coach.

This training is designed to take you from where you are right now, all the way to your future as a skilled Energy Coach, even if you’re just getting started in energy or coaching.

The Activation™ Method Energy Coaching System:
Core Module Topics


When it comes to training coaches, I have learned over the years that it is best to give more outlines, steps and exercises than a coach will ever need when working with clients. For this reason I have built a system for learning that Energy Coaches can use as needed with each of their clients. Some people need more help with boundaries, other to go within somatically or emotionally. So, while all the strategies help empower and connect a client with their unique and healing energy, each strategy is also designed to provide a new tool for the client’s use. Clients learn with their coach in the live session and then practice on their own. 

In the program you will learn over thirty strategies of Activation™ Method Energy Coaching. Each strategy you learn comes with an outline and steps to follow. You are empowering every client to learn their own energy transformational tools. The client’s own healing needs and abilities are empowered. Energy coaching clients learn to take ownership of their use of energy in their system. They gain the skills needed to increase their energy frequency and bring them themselves the healing relationship with their energy that serves as their truest guidance. The client does their own healing work and the coach learns to walk the client through the steps of energy coaching strategies. Part of our job as an energy coach is to learn each strategy for own system. This keeps us energetically empowered, hopeful, aware and balanced as practitioners.

Energy Coach Session Plans Include the following topics taught as Strategy Guides that include meditations, energy practices, coaching scripts, and energy exercises

    •    Mindfulness for Ease, Awareness and Insight

    •    Energy Center Self-Empowerment & Luminous Healing

    •    Energy Center Inner Guidance Framework

    •    Heart Mind Opening Practice for Love, Expansion and Light

    •    Empowering Our Inner Loving Drive, Motivation, and Spirit- recovering from loss, shock, and   suffering

    •    The Five Elements for Growth and Spiritual, Life, and Relationship Evolution

    •    Metaphors in Guided Meditation: Helping Clients Sense and Learn from Inner Metaphors

    •    Helpers in Nature Guided Practices

    •    Archetypes Inner Wisdom Activation

    •    Meditations for Energy Activation

    •    The Senses and Intuitive Connection

    •    Expanding Our Own Higher Frequency 

    •    Unity Experience and Self Love

    •    Boundary Helpers to Empower & Protect

    •    Relationship with Spiritual Guides

    •    Integration Within the Body and Somatic Exploration

    •    Somatic Connections and Grounding Practices

    •    Listening to our Bodies Truth: How to Create Transformational Conversation on the Physical, Emotional, and Energetic Level 

    •    Hearing Our Inner Needs, Awakening Our Inner Freedom

    •    Practices to  increase Emotions of Loving Kindness, Compassion, Empathic Joy, and Equanimity

    •    Healing and Transformation for Energetic Blocks and Resistance

    •    Healing for the Inherited Energetic Suffering within Family

    •    Self-Healing for Low Self Esteem, Anxiety, Pain, and Worry

Your Energy Coach Training Includes Five Certificates

Part 1: Live Energy Coach Activation™ Method Certification Training

We will be meeting live once a week for four months as I walk you through the tools, strategies, and exercises of Activation™ Method Energy Coaching. Together we will learn, practice and grow our coaching skills while also healing and empowering our own energy system. During these classes you will learn by activating your own energy system as a healer and guide. You will experience live demonstrations of Energy Coaching with the specific strategy topic we are working on that week. Then you will have time to process and learn through coaching your colleagues. There will also be time for live discussion and sharing.  This helps everyone integrate and understand the wide range of helpful energy experiences.

You will immediately have access to your Energy Coach Activation™ Method Certification Classroom. There you will find topics like Archetypes, Energy Repair, Guided Meditation Strategies, Healing with Metaphors, Giving and Receiving of Energy, Transformational Tools, and Energy Center Strategies. There are coaching demonstrations and processes that focus on healing procrastination, anxiety, goals, obstacles, relationships, low self esteem, and empowering positive states and energy helpers.  And we won’t just talk about the strategies. You’ll get to study videos of these strategies being used with real clients, so that you’re learning by example. You keep your online training for life. You can learn at your own pace and graduate when you are ready.

 Part 2: Four Days of Immersive Coaching Boot Camp comes with Two Training Certifications

There’s nothing more powerful than spending an immersive day training, coaching, and connecting with fellow coaches who share your interests and values. We designed Coaching Boot Camp to activate your coaching abilities, give you instant momentum, and double your coaching skills, no matter where you’re at now. For many people Coaching Boot Camp is their first experience in coaching, and it lays a foundation for the rest of their career. And more experienced coaches see how the Activation™ Method gives their coaching more versatility, creativity and flow. We will be connecting from all over the world through Zoom. All you have to do is show up and within minutes you’ll be practicing coaching yourself.

We offer four different three-day Boot Camps throughout the year (we call them Ruby, Sapphire, Pearl, and Emerald Boot Camp). Each teaches  you a unique set of coaching strategies, 6-7 strategies are taught per Boot Camp. You choose the Opal Boot Camp date that works for your schedule and you choose the Gem Three Day that works for you. During Boot Camp the Activation™ Method coaching strategies you will learn will give you an incredible foundation for your Energy Coaching.

Opal One Day Training and One Three Day Gem Boot Camp Training

(Put the dates here in rectangles)

Part 3: 21 Journeys® Teacher Training Certification

Would you like to lead groups through energy-enhancing experiences, while gaining exposure for your private coaching practice? As an Activation™ Method Energy Coach, you’ll receive a license to teach 21 Journeys.™ This is a unique one-hour class that incorporates guided awareness practices with gentle movement, creating an integrated energy experience. Participants get emotional integration, personal insights, energetic balancing, and a sense of shared community. People love to attend 21 Journeys® week after week, the way they would attend a Yoga, Zumba, dance, or other movement class. You may offer it anywhere in your community where classes are taught (such as Yoga or wellness studios, educational organizations, or community centers). You may also offer an Online version of 21 Journeys®  through Zoom.

You’ll get our complete 21 Journeys® Teacher Training, which includes the 21 Journeys Teacher Guide, over twenty examples of Unique 21 Journeys classes, informative sharing sessions, and teachings specifically on leadership skills for the 21 Journeys Teacher. 

Part 4: Activation™ Method Retreat Leader Certification Program

A growing trend in the online world is giving Online Retreats. All over the world, people are signing up to spend dedicated time on their growth, awareness, and rejuvenation. Zoom makes it easy and natural to participate with a group online and eliminates the need for travel and accommodations. As an Energy Coach, you’ll be licensed in a complete system for planning, guiding and giving retreats both online and in person. You will learn how to guide retreats using Energy, Awareness, and Creativity Processes designed specifically for the retreat environment. 

This training comes with over 20 unique Retreat Modules that offer a wide range of topics for retreats. You’ll be able to design your custom retreat by mixing and matching the Retreat Modules you wish to include. This is much easier than creating a retreat from scratch! These retreats can be offered online and in person. Through retreats we offer a deepening experience for participants personal practices, a time for massive spiritual growth and community connection. As part of your overall Energy Coaching Practice offering small retreats is a great opportunity for assisting your clients on their own spiritual and life path. 

Live Classes Four Days a Week for Six Months

We want you to have the opportunity to train live often. For this reason we offer many different live coaching class options. Every class is recorded and made available to our students within a week.

Mentorship Class: Learn in community every week for this two hour interactive workshop. We get together to answer students questions in a zoom live classroom. The founders of Activation™ Method, Mark and Magali Peysha will personally assist you on your coaching path. Whether your question is about a client you are coaching, a friend, yourself, or your business. The Peysha’s are there to support you.

Meditation Class: Two times a month we get together in community to practice Meditation. This is a large group meditation that will follow along with your energy coach training. 

Practice Lab: Learn to coach and be coached in a supportive and nurturing environment. You will be learning 21 key skills for coaching. Each week you practice a specific one of the 21 key strategies with a colleague. Beforehand you have time to read the strategy guide and listen to a short 5-10 minute teaching on the strategy topic. There are always several Master Coaches on the live Practice Session Zoom meeting. They are expert at offering supervision and support as you practice your coaching skills. This is a very welcoming and accepting environment where we can be ourselves and take sacred pauses as we need to look at our strategy plan, discuss where we are at, and re-enter our coaching and client roles. This is the best way that I know to learn coaching!

Energy Coach Training: For four months from March through June 2021 we will be meeting live on zoom to learn the Energy Coaching Strategies. You will have the opportunity to share, practice, and have your own energetic growth process in each class. 

Monthly Speciality Workshops: In our speciality workshops we will cover topics such as how to enroll your first five clients, the art of the clarity session, note-taking for coaches, experience live coaching demos by the Coaching Institute team, and take part in a community building group experience.

Advisor Group Sessions: We know that students in any program need support to reach their goals. So, whether you are brand new to coaching or very experienced we find that meeting with our team of coaching advisors offers support in the learning process. These sessions are limited to under six students at a time and focus on the needs of the students learning processes and organization. Every student is able to attend three Advisor group sessions during the first year of their specific training at Coaching Institute. 

Energy Coach Training Comes with Eight Bonuses

At the Coaching Institute we want you to be prepared for all coaching clients. We also want you to have what you need for your personal and energetic development.

Seven Bonus Trainings

Activation™ Meditation Classroom with over fifty Meditations that include Breathing, Energy, Journeys and Somatic practices.

Ten Session Guide Road Map for planning ten coaching packages. The guide outlines a series of sessions that you can use when working with coaching goals like: dating, self esteem, improving a relationship, overcoming procrastination. 

Seven Mindsets of Success Training. Learn Mark and Magali Peysha’s keys to personal success through this program. There are great ideas here for helping clients shift their mindset to one of inner growth, connection and expansion.

Coaching Demonstrations Library. In this classroom you will find many examples of Activation™ Method Coaching. We believe it is best to learn through real coaching examples. This training teaches you through actual coaching.

Coaching Strategy Library. This is where you find our favorite all purpose Coaching Strategies taught in short lessons. You will learn strategies which focus on both inner and outer goals, relationship, personal evolution, expanding skills and more.

Mentorship Class Archive. We make it easy to keep learning and growing. In this bonus classroom you receive an entire year of Mentorship Class recordings. You will learn through the real questions that coaches have as they build their practices, work with clients, and open themselves up on energetic level. Every Mentorship Class is unique because of the questions students are asking. You will learn through coaching demos, supervision and planning discussions, and strategy creation techniques.

Integrity Marketing System with Mark Peysha
Founder of Coaching Institute

Activation™ Method Energy Coach includes the most comprehensive and effective system for marketing your coaching practice. This marketing system was designed by coaches for coaches. Everything is included: you will not have to purchase any other marketing trainings to build a full-time practice.


Your marketing trainings will include:

Coach Accelerator Workshop™

We believe that coaches are happiest and most successful when they choose a simple system for connecting with new clients. Set up your simple system, start working with clients professionally, and enjoy the growth of your business. Coach Accelerator Workshop sets you up with a 100% online client acquisition system within the space of a 5 day online training (about 2 hours per day). We walk you through the entire system during the training, so that at the end of five days, you have everything you need!


Coaching Practice Blueprint™

This revolutionary program is responsible for tripling the rate at which our students get their first paying clients. That’s because, instead of spending hundreds of hours trying to turn you into a “marketer,” we focus on helping you spend your time doing what you love most: coaching. It includes information on where potential clients are hanging out in your community, how to create referral relationships with other professionals, how to build your coaching business by helping people for free, and the simplest way to set up your business.


Clarity Session Magic™

90% of all coaching clients worldwide are signed up in the same way: through a free consultation conversation, or “Clarity Session.” This is your #1 business tool. This training shows you how to offer Clarity Sessions with absolute integrity, knowing that everybody you offer it to will have a great experience. There is no “selling” involved, only doing what coaches love to do best: helping. Having this training will make you completely confident talking to prospective clients.


Marketing Makeover™

It’s very useful for a coach to understand what a client is thinking and feeling as they look for a coach. In Marketing Makeover Classes you’ll see Mark Peysha working one-on-one with coaches on their marketing websites, materials, and presentations. This gives you a valuable insight into how you can structure your communications with future clients.  


Your Own Energy Coaching Website

It’s very important for coaches to have a website that defines their practice and the benefits of coaching with them. The problem is that websites can be thorny to put together yourself. So we have designed the ideal coaching website for Energy Coaches.

It’s done for you – all you have to do is add your name and photo! It will include proof of your certification with the Coaching Institute. Set it up once, use it forever. No other training offers this! You will receive this bonus website when you have graduated from you Energy Coach Activation™ Method Certification course.


See What Students are Saying about
Energy Coaching Strategies

Now I have these tools that have helped me be very, very conscious about the decisions that I make and choices that I make. Oh my gosh, I feel completely empowered and just like this - like a goddess.


I came down here knowing that I was going to get some really great tools and insights to be a coach. What really impacted me was that I got so much out of it in my own personal relationship as well. There’s nothing like that experience of like feeling it working in your own life, and then seeing first-hand how it can help people and affect other people.


What I love about Mark and Magali’s coaching is that when they demo on stage, they do it in such a way you learn the processes and then you can turn around and take it away and use it with your clients. I thought I knew most of what I needed to know with coaching, and what I found here was all the bits that fill in the gaps, and knit it all together. So if you want to be a coach, if you want to be a great coach, it’s a must you spend some time with Mark and Magali.


The training is very easy to integrate into your practice, your workshops, or however you want to express it. The other thing as well, is we’ve got amazing connections. It’s a high caliber group of people that are drawn to these sorts of programs and the coaching and mentoring is fantastic and it’s very, very easily accessible. You’d be crazy not to invest the time, energy, and money into this program, because the value you’re going to get out of it is exponential. So don’t think about it, just do it, make it happen.


I would totally recommend Passion Patterns for three reasons. The first reason would be Mark and Magali. They show up and deliver, actually over deliver what they say they’re going to do for you. Number two, the people that join are people that really you can connect with. I hadn’t even been here only 24 hours, and I made some really good friends. And last but not least, number three is what I’m going to take with me and apply to my own clients when I get back home so I can really help other people to get the results they desire for their life.


I’ve been to many events, and usually the content can’t hold my attention for more than an hour. I get restless. I lost focus. This event was totally different. I was completely engulfed with what was going on. I was having fun. I learned so much, that I couldn’t believe it. You know I wanted more. Like when it ended, I could keep going - that’s the first time that has ever happened to me at an event. So I loved it.


What I’ve learned from Passion Patterns is the fact that it doesn’t have to be just in a relationship. You can be single and you learn the specific strategies or techniques or things to do and not to do to create those Passion Patterns in your life, that you could actually attract someone.


These really simple techniques move so much forward. I like this so much that we are moving forward. It has helped me, my relationship with my husband, my children, and my coaching.

Anne Marie

I came to this training hoping I could find the coach I love and that would help transform my life. I was right! I trusted my intuition. I saw the beauty and the love that Magali is shining from the heart when she talks. She sees through the soul. Years of therapy couldn't do that. And I felt my inner child be happy finally.


What drew me to the training was my own relationship with my wife. I wanted things to be better between us and to learn some strategies that would help us become better and be able to communicate more. It’s encouraging to know there's things I can do to help change the dance. I came for that reason but I also came for being able to help with my own coaching and be able to have specific strategies that I can use with other couples. They’re step by step. They’re really easy to do and I can really see a difference in their marriage.


This program has deepened my husband and my relationship. I had no idea we were in this journey together. We were so grateful for each other and thought, “Oh, we can just make this work, and it can be even better and even more fun." The program will deepen your own relationship if you’re in a relationship right now, but this whole event is probably - you know if you come here as a single, you think oh it’s all about relationship, like a man and a woman. But I think you can use this in so many relationships. So even if you’re not in a romantic relationship or if you - you know you think you have a great relationship, you have like parents and children and work relationships. So you can use this in so many areas of your life, and as a coach, it will deepen and give you - it will give you more confidence. So I would just go ahead and it’s really worth it.


Offer Notes

In Energy Coach Training you can be certified in Four Specialties. This is all in one training. However, students get one certificate at a time.

Activation™ Method Energy Coach Certification

  • This is a six month training.
  • We have classes and practice sessions every week through zoom.
  • All classes are recorded so that you can learn at your own pace.
Modules of Energy Coaching Include some of the following topics and a lot more too. We always honor everyone’s culture and tradition. All religious beliefs are welcome. We teach universal energy and spiritual topics. We trust in each person’s own inner guidance and truth. This means every client and every student is fully in charge of their experience.
Copyright © 2021 - Peysha Properties LLC. All rights reserved.

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-Learn three Activation™ Method coaching strategies
-Get Five Healing Meditations right away

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